HLD - Hotel Lion D'or
HLD stands for Hotel Lion D'or
Here you will find, what does HLD stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hotel Lion D'or? Hotel Lion D'or can be abbreviated as HLD What does HLD stand for? HLD stands for Hotel Lion D'or. What does Hotel Lion D'or mean?The Argentina based company is located in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D. engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HLD
- Harolds Stores, Inc.
- High Level Data
- Hailar, Mainland China
- Henderson Land Development
- Dongshan airport
- Heavy Like Dat
- Haiti Lumiere de Demain
- Hart Learning and Development
View 27 other definitions of HLD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HAG Horizon Accounting Group
- HCCS Honey Creek Community School
- HKRL Hull Kingston Radio Ltd
- HSS Horsepower Site Services
- HCCU Health Care Credit Union
- HFDB Hannover Fairs Do Brasil
- HAL Hospitality America LLC
- HUCHL HU an Cable Holdings Ltd.
- HARE Home Authority Real Estate
- HLC Holywell Leisure Centre
- HATC High Achievers Training Consultancy
- HCC Hub Cities Consortium
- HCL Hermanns Contracting Limited
- HMS Holistic Mind Steps
- HDA Harley-Davidson of Atlanta
- HIS Heritage Intermediate School
- HPGL Horizon Properties Group LLC
- HGS Hales Government Solutions
- HMI Henry Moore Institute
- HRL Hybrid Racing LLC